
Meaning and Usage

"erscheinen" in German means "to appear" or "to show up." It is commonly used to describe the action of something or someone showing up or appearing in a specific place or situation.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "erscheinen" is a verb and is composed of the prefix "er-" and the root "scheinen." The prefix "er-" often indicates a movement towards a certain point or a completion of an action. The root "scheinen" means "to shine" or "to seem." Therefore, "erscheinen" together conveys the idea of something coming into view or becoming apparent.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "erscheinen" is related to the English word "appear," sharing a similar meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In a cultural context, "erscheinen" is commonly used in everyday German to talk about things or people appearing or showing up in various situations, such as events, meetings, or public places.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Sonne erscheint am Morgen.
  2. Er wird pünktlich zum Treffen erscheinen.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "erscheinen," think of the prefix "er-" as indicating the completion of an action, and the root "scheinen" as relating to something becoming apparent or shining. You can also associate it with the English word "appear" to help remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Erscheinung (noun) - the appearance
  • sichtbar (adjective) - visible
  • verschwinden (verb) - to disappear

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich erscheine (I appear)
  • du erscheinst (you appear)
  • er/sie/es erscheint (he/she/it appears)
  • wir erscheinen (we appear)
  • ihr erscheint (you appear)
  • sie erscheinen (they appear)