
Meaning and Usage

"Wenn" means "if" or "when" in German, serving to introduce conditional or temporal clauses.

Linguistic Analysis

"Wenn" is a conjunction in German.

Comparisons between German and English

"Wenn" is similar to the English words "if" and "when" when used to express conditions or time.

Cultural Context

Understanding the usage of "wenn" is fundamental for expressing hypothetical situations, time-related sequences, and causation, integral to various cultural contexts such as planning, storytelling, and problem-solving in German society.

Example Sentences

  1. Wenn es regnet, bleibe ich zu Hause. (If it rains, I stay at home.)
  2. Ich rufe dich an, wenn ich ankomme. (I will call you when I arrive.)

Memory Tips

Associate "wenn" with the English words "if" and "when" to remember its meaning and usage in conditional and temporal contexts.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: falls (in case), sofern (provided that)