
Meaning and Usage

"Beitreten" translates to "to join" in English. It is commonly used when talking about joining an organization, a group, or agreeing to a treaty or pact.

Linguistic Analysis

"Beitreten" is a combination of the prefix "bei-" meaning "to" or "towards" and the verb "treten" which means "to step." So, "beitreten" can be understood as "to step towards" or "to join."

Comparisons between German and English

The English equivalent "to join" corresponds to the German "beitreten." Both languages use this word when referring to becoming a part of a group or an organization.

Cultural Context

In a cultural context, "beitreten" can be used when discussing joining clubs, political parties, or community organizations.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie möchte dem Sportverein beitreten. (She wants to join the sports club.)
  2. Deutschland ist der NATO beigetreten. (Germany joined the NATO.)

Memory Tips

You can remember "beitreten" by associating it with the act of stepping into a new group or organization.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Beitritt (noun) - the joining
  • Sich anschließen (verb) - to join/attach oneself
  • Die Mitgliedschaft (noun) - the membership

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich trete bei (I join)
  • du trittst bei (you join)
  • er/sie/es tritt bei (he/she/it joins)
  • wir treten bei (we join)
  • ihr tretet bei (you join)
  • sie treten bei (they join)