
Meaning and Usage

"Zwei" means "two" in English. It is used as a cardinal number to indicate the quantity of two items or individuals.

Linguistic Analysis

"Zwei" is an irregular cardinal number in German, with its origins in Old High German. It inflects to match the gender and case of the noun it modifies.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "zwei" has a direct translation in English as "two," used for the same purpose of indicating the quantity of two.

Cultural Context

In German, "zwei" is fundamental for numerical counting, quantity descriptions, and basic arithmetic, so it is a critical word for everyday communication and interactions.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich habe zwei Hunde. (I have two dogs.)
  2. Wir treffen uns um zwei Uhr. (We are meeting at two o'clock.)

Memory Tips

Associate "zwei" with the English word "two" and practice using it in counting and describing quantities to aid in retention.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: die Zahl (the number), der Doppelgänger (the look-alike), das Paar (the pair), das Duo (the duo)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)