das Einzelzimmer

Meaning and Usage

Das Einzelzimmer translates to "single room" in English. It is commonly used in the context of hotel accommodations and rental properties to refer to a single occupancy room.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "das Einzelzimmer" is a compound noun in German, formed by the combination of "einzel" (single) and "zimmer" (room).

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Einzelzimmer" directly translates to "single room" in English, depicting a clear similarity in meaning and structure.

Cultural Context

In Germany, "das Einzelzimmer" is a common term used in the tourism and hospitality industry, reflecting the preference for single occupancy accommodations.

Example Sentences

  • Ich habe ein Einzelzimmer im Hotel gebucht. (I have booked a single room in the hotel.)
  • Das Einzelzimmer kostet etwas mehr als das Doppelzimmer. (The single room costs a bit more than the double room.)

Memory Tips

Associate "das Einzelzimmer" with the idea of a single room, emphasizing its use for individual accommodation.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Doppelzimmer (double room)
  • das Hotelzimmer (hotel room)
  • die Unterkunft (accommodation)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: das (neuter)
  • Plural: die Einzelzimmer

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable for this noun.