
Meaning and Usage

"Ledig" in German means "single" or "unmarried." It is used to describe someone who is not married or in a committed relationship.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "ledig" does not have a recognized prefix, root, or suffix. It comes from the Middle High German word "ledic," which means "free" or "unencumbered."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "ledig" directly translates to "single" in English, referring to someone who is not married or in a relationship. However, "single" in English can also mean "not accompanied by others" or "unmarried," which aligns with the German usage.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking countries, marital status can hold cultural significance, and "ledig" is a commonly used term in official documents and conversations about relationships. It is also used in forms to indicate one's marital status.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie ist noch ledig.

    • She is still single.
  2. Er ist ledig, aber er hat eine Freundin.

    • He is single, but he has a girlfriend.

Memory Tips

Associate "ledig" with the English word "single" and the idea of being unattached or free from a committed relationship.

Additional Vocabulary

  • verheiratet (married)
  • in einer Beziehung (in a relationship)
  • geschieden (divorced)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)