der Schluss

Meaning and Usage

"Der Schluss" in German means "the end" or "the conclusion." It is used to refer to the end or conclusion of something, such as a story, a movie, an event, or a speech. It can also signify a "closing" or "final part" of something.

Linguistic Analysis

"Der Schluss" is a masculine noun. It doesn't have any specific prefix or suffix. The word originates from the Middle High German word "sluz," which means "end" or "conclusion."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Schluss" in German is similar in meaning to the English word "conclusion" or "end."

Cultural Context

In German culture, "der Schluss" is often used to indicate the end of a story, a presentation, or a meeting, and it's an important concept in writing and public speaking.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Schluss des Films war überraschend. (The end of the movie was surprising.)
  2. Am Schluss der Veranstaltung bedankte sich der Vorsitzende bei allen Teilnehmern. (At the end of the event, the chairman thanked all the participants.)

Memory Tips

  • Remember that "Schluss" sounds like "close" in English, which can help you associate it with the meaning of "end" or "conclusion."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: das Ende (the end), die Abschluss (the conclusion)
  • Antonyms: der Anfang (the beginning)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Schlüsse

Conjugation (for verbs)