
Meaning and Usage

"Erlauben" in German means "to permit" or "to allow." It is used to indicate giving permission for something or someone to do or have something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "erlauben" is a verb that consists of the prefix "er-" and the root "lauben." The prefix "er-" often indicates a completion or an action becoming effective, while the root "lauben" is associated with the idea of "permitting." The word's etymology can be traced back to the Middle High German "erlouben."

Comparisons between German and English

The English word "permit" is a close equivalent to "erlauben," as both convey the idea of allowing or granting permission.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the concept of "erlauben" is fundamental in everyday interactions, such as asking for permission or granting authorization in various social or formal settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Eltern erlauben mir, länger draußen zu bleiben. (The parents allow me to stay out longer.)
  2. Kann ich Ihnen erlauben, mir bei diesem Projekt zu helfen? (May I allow you to help me with this project?)

Memory Tips

Associate "erlauben" with the English word "permit" or create a mental image of someone giving permission, to aid in remembering its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Genehmigung (feminine, plural: die Genehmigungen) - permission, approval
  • erlaubt - allowed, permitted
  • verbieten - to forbid, to prohibit

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (since "erlauben" is a verb)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich erlaube (I permit)
  • du erlaubst (you permit)
  • er/sie/es erlaubt (he/she/it permits)
  • wir erlauben (we permit)
  • ihr erlaubt (you permit)
  • sie/Sie erlauben (they/you permit)