
Meaning and Usage

"zurück" translates to "back" or "backward" in English. It is used as an adverb or a separable verb prefix to denote a return to a previous position or a reversal of direction.

Linguistic Analysis

"zurück" is an adverb and a separable verb prefix in German. It is derived from the Middle High German word "zerücke," which evolved from the Old High German word "zurück."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "zurück" corresponds to the English adverb "back" and is used similarly to indicate a return or backward motion. As a separable verb prefix, it can change the meaning of a verb by signifying a return or reversal of action.

Cultural Context

"zurück" is frequently used in directions, spatial references, and expressing the concept of returning in German, highlighting the significance of movement and direction in everyday language.

Example Sentences

  1. Wir sind zurückgekommen. (We came back.)
  2. Er geht zurück ins Haus. (He's going back into the house.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "zurück," think of the English word "recur" and its association with a repeated or returned action.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Related words: Rückkehr (return), rückwärts (backward)
  • Synonyms: wieder, rückgängig (again, undo)
  • Antonyms: vorwärts, voran (forward, ahead)