
Meaning and Usage

"Klasse" in German translates to "class" in English. It can refer to a group of students in a school, a category, or a quality. It is also used to express admiration or approval, similar to "awesome" or "great" in English.

Linguistic Analysis

"Klasse" is a feminine noun in German and doesn't have any prefixes or suffixes. It originated from the Middle High German word "klasse," meaning "group" or "class."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Klasse" directly corresponds to the English word "class" in terms of its primary meaning. However, it is also used informally to express admiration or approval, which is not as commonly done with the word "class" in English.

Cultural Context

In the context of education, "Klasse" refers to a group of students in a specific grade level, and it is a fundamental concept in the German education system.

Example Sentences

  1. Die erste Klasse beginnt um 8 Uhr morgens. (The first grade/class starts at 8 a.m.)
  2. Das Konzert war einfach klasse! (The concert was simply great!)

Memory Tips

Associate "Klasse" with the exclamation "Class!", often used to express excitement or admiration in English. This can help remember both the meaning and the informal usage of the word.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: Gruppe (group), Kategorie (category)
  • Antonyms: schlecht (bad), unzureichend (inadequate), mittelmäßig (mediocre)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: Klassen

Conjugation (for verbs)