
Meaning and Usage

"Woher" in German means "where from" or "whence" in English. It is used to inquire about the origin or source of something or someone.

Linguistic Analysis

"Woher" is a combination of the interrogative pronoun "wo" (where) and the adverb "her" (from there). It follows the typical German interrogative word pattern of combining a question word with a preposition or adverb.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "woher" in German is a combination of "wo" (where) and "her" (from there), whereas in English, the phrase "where from" is used to convey the same meaning.

Example Sentences

  • Woher kommst du? (Where are you from?)
  • Woher hast du das Buch? (Where did you get the book?)
  • Ich frage mich, woher dieser Geruch kommt. (I wonder where this smell is coming from.)

Memory Tips

Associate "woher" with the English phrase "where from" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Herkommen (to come from)
  • Die Herkunft (origin)
  • Ursprünglich (originally)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)