
Meaning and Usage

"Lkw" is the German word for "truck" (in American English) or "lorry" (in British English). It refers to a large motor vehicle used for transporting goods.

Linguistic Analysis

"Lkw" is an abbreviation for "Lastkraftwagen." "Lastkraft" means "cargo capacity" and "wagen" means "vehicle." The "-s" at the end indicates the plural form.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Lkw" is an abbreviation, while the English words "truck" and "lorry" are not. Otherwise, they all refer to the same type of vehicle.

Cultural Context

Trucks are a common sight on German highways and are an essential part of the country's transportation and logistics industry.

Example Sentences

  • Der Lkw transportiert Waren von A nach B. (The truck transports goods from A to B.)
  • Die Lkws auf der Autobahn behindern den Verkehr. (The trucks on the highway are obstructing the traffic.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Lkw" with the English word "lorry" or "truck" to remember its meaning and usage.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: Lastwagen, Truck
  • Related words: die Fracht (the cargo), transportieren (to transport)

Gender and Plural

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Lkws

Since "Lkw" is an abbreviation, it does not have a plural form in the traditional sense. The plural is indicated by adding the "-s" at the end.


N/A - "Lkw" is a noun and does not have a conjugated form.