
Meaning and Usage

"Feier" in German means "celebration" or "party." It can refer to any kind of festive event or gathering, from a birthday party to a national holiday celebration.

Linguistic Analysis

"Feier" is a noun and does not consist of any prefixes or suffixes. It is derived from the Middle High German word "vīere," which originally referred to a religious festival.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "Feier" is similar to the English word "feast" in both meaning and sound.

Cultural Context

In Germany, "Feier" is an integral part of the culture, with various feiertage (holidays) and traditions celebrated throughout the year.

Example Sentences

  1. Heute Abend haben wir eine Feier bei mir zuhause. (Tonight we have a party at my place.)
  2. Die Hochzeit war eine wunderschöne Feier. (The wedding was a beautiful celebration.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Feier" with the English word "feast" to remember its meaning as a festive celebration or party.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Party (the party)
  • das Fest (the festival)
  • die Jubiläumsfeier (the anniversary celebration)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Feier" is feminine, and its plural form is "Feiern."

Conjugation (for verbs)