
Meaning and Usage

"Spät" translates to "late" in English. It denotes a point in time that is after the expected, scheduled, or usual time.

Linguistic Analysis

"Spät" is an adjective. It does not have a prefix and is derived from the Old High German word "spāt."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "spät" is similar to the English word "late" in terms of its meaning, both indicating a time that is after the expected or usual time.

Example Sentences

  1. Warum bist du so spät gekommen? (Why did you come so late?)
  2. Wir sind zu spät zum Flughafen gekommen. (We arrived late to the airport.)

Memory Tips

Associate "spät" with "late" to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: Verspätung (delay), zu spät (too late)