
Meaning and Usage

"Natürlich" in German translates to "naturally" or "of course" in English. It is commonly used to express agreement, acknowledgment, or to convey something as being natural, inherent, or obvious.

Linguistic Analysis

"Natürlich" is an adverb in German, derived from the root "Natur" (nature) and the suffix "-lich" (having the quality of). The word essentially means "in a natural manner".

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "natürlich" and the English word "naturally" share a similar meaning and both are derived from the concept of nature.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "natürlich" is often used to politely and informally express agreement or understanding in conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. Natürlich gehe ich zum Konzert! (Of course, I'm going to the concert!)
  2. Es ist natürlich, dass Pflanzen Licht benötigen. (It's natural that plants need light.)
  3. "Ist das wahr?" – "Natürlich!" ("Is that true?" - "Of course!")

Memory Tips

Associate "natürlich" with the English word "naturally" and remember the connection to the concept of nature.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: selbstverständlich (of course), sicherlich (surely)
  • Antonyms: unnatürlich (unnaturally), fragwürdig (questionable)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: Not applicable (adverb) Plural: Not applicable

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable