
Meaning and Usage

"Abhängen" in German means "to depend" or "to hang out." It can be used both in a literal sense, such as hanging something, as well as a figurative sense, such as depending on something or someone. In colloquial language, it is also used to mean "to chill out" or "to hang out with friends."

Linguistic Analysis

The word "abhängen" is a composite of the prefix "ab-" meaning "down" or "off," and the verb "hängen," meaning "to hang." When combined, "abhängen" conveys the idea of something being off or down from a hanging position.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "abhängen" can be translated to "to depend" or "to hang out" in English. While "to depend" has a direct equivalent in English, the connotation of "hanging out" in the sense of spending casual time with friends may not have a direct equivalent.

Cultural Context

In informal contexts, "abhängen" is often used when making plans to hang out with friends, relax, or spend leisure time. It reflects the German culture's emphasis on socializing and maintaining strong interpersonal relationships.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich hänge mein Lieblingsshirt im Schrank auf. (I hang up my favorite shirt in the closet.)
  2. Sie hängt stark von ihrer Familie ab. (She depends heavily on her family.)
  3. Lass uns heute Nachmittag abhängen. (Let's hang out this afternoon.)

Memory Tips

Associate "abhängen" with the concept of "hanging out" with friends, which can help in remembering its meaning as "to hang out."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Abhängigkeit (noun, fem.) - dependence
  • Abhängig sein von - to be dependent on
  • Aufhängen - to hang up
  • Herabhängen - to dangle

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich hänge ab (I hang out)
  • Du hängst ab (You hang out)
  • Er/sie/es hängt ab (He/she/it hangs out)
  • Wir hängen ab (We hang out)
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