
Meaning and Usage

"Anrufen" means "to call" in the sense of making a phone call or calling out to someone. It is used to describe the action of initiating a telephone conversation or getting someone's attention by calling their name.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "anrufen" is a combination of the prefix "an-" (indicating direction or contact) and the verb "rufen" (to call). It belongs to the group of separable verbs in German, and in the present tense, it conjugates as "ich rufe an" (I call), "du rufst an" (you call), "er/sie/es ruft an" (he/she/it calls), "wir rufen an" (we call), "ihr ruft an" (you call), and "sie rufen an" (they call).

Comparisons between German and English

The word "anrufen" is similar to the English word "to call," but in German, it specifically refers to making a phone call, while the English word can have broader meanings.

Cultural Context

In the age of advanced technology, "anrufen" is an essential verb to know for communication in both personal and professional settings. Understanding how to use it correctly is important for effective communication in the German language.

Example Sentences

  • Ich rufe meinen Freund an. (I call my friend.)
  • Sie ruft die Firma an, um eine Reservierung zu machen. (She calls the company to make a reservation.)

Memory Tips

Associate "anrufen" with making a telephone call by focusing on the "an-" prefix, which indicates direction or contact, combined with "rufen" which means "to call."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Telefonnummer (f) - the phone number
  • Der Anruf (m) - the phone call
  • Auflegen - to hang up
  • Annehmen - to pick up (the phone)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (since "anrufen" is a verb)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich rufe an (I call)
  • Du rufst an (You call)
  • Er/sie/es ruft an (He/she/it calls)
  • Wir rufen an (We call)
  • Ihr ruft an (You call)