
Meaning and Usage

"Dessen" is a German demonstrative pronoun that means "of it" or "of which." It is used to refer to a previously mentioned noun (usually in the genitive case) and is often translated as "whose," "of whom," "of which," or "its."

Linguistic Analysis

"Dessen" is a demonstrative pronoun that does not change its form based on the gender, number, or case of the noun it refers to. It is derived from the Middle High German "des, dessen, dem, den" and can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word "þas, þes, þis," meaning "this" or "that."

Comparisons between German and English

In English, "of which," "whose," and sometimes "its" can be used to convey the same idea as “dessen” in German.

Cultural Context

In German, the use of demonstrative pronouns like "dessen" reflects precision and specificity in referring to objects or ownership. It is essential to grasp the correct usage to convey clear and accurate information.

Example Sentences

  • Das ist das Auto, dessen Farbe ich mag. (This is the car whose color I like.)
  • Sie sprach von dem Haus, dessen Fenster gebrochen waren. (She spoke of the house, the windows of which were broken.)

Memory Tips

Try associating "dessen" with possessive expressions in English, such as "whose" or "of which," to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Ihres (hers)
  • Unser (ours)
  • Eures (yours)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

"Dessen" is a pronoun and does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)