
Meaning and Usage

"Erfinden" in German means "to invent" or "to create." It is used to describe the act of coming up with something new or original, such as an idea, a device, or a story.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "erfinden" is a verb and consists of the prefix "er-" and the root "finden." The prefix "er-" often indicates a completed or successful action, while "finden" means "to find." Therefore, "erfinden" essentially means "to find out" in the sense of discovering something new, or "to invent."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "erfinden" is similar to the English word "to invent" in both meaning and usage. The only notable difference is the prefix "er-" in German, which adds the connotation of a successful or completed action.

Cultural Context

Germany has a rich history of invention and innovation, and the concept of "erfinden" is seen as an important part of the country's cultural and economic identity. Many well-known inventions and innovations have come from Germany, and the act of "erfinden" is highly regarded in German culture.

Example Sentences

  1. Er hat eine neue Technologie erfunden.
  2. Sie hat die Geschichte des Romans erfunden.
  3. Alexander Graham Bell hat das Telefon erfunden.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "erfinden," you can associate it with the English word "invent." Additionally, you can think of the prefix "er-" as indicating a successful completion, so "erfinden" is like successfully "finding out" something new.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Erfindung (noun) - the invention
  • Der Erfinder (noun) - the inventor
  • Erschaffen (verb) - to create
  • Entwickeln (verb) - to develop

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich erfinde (I invent)
  • Du erfindest (You invent)
  • Er/Sie/Es erfindet (He/She/It invents)
  • Wir erfinden (We invent)
  • Ihr erfindet (You invent - plural)
  • Sie/Sie erfinden (They invent)