
Meaning and Usage

"Verwandte" in German refers to a relative, family member, or kinsman. It can be used to describe any family member, such as parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, or cousins.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Verwandte" is a noun. It is the plural form of "der Verwandte" (male relative) or "die Verwandte" (female relative). The word is derived from the verb "verwandt," which means "related."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Verwandte" in German is similar to the English word "relative" in meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In German culture, family plays an important role, and the concept of extended family and relatives is highly valued. It is common for Germans to have close relationships with their relatives and to celebrate family gatherings and reunions.

Example Sentences

  1. Meine Verwandten kommen aus verschiedenen Ländern. (My relatives come from different countries.)
  2. Sie hat viele Verwandte in der Stadt. (She has many relatives in the city.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Verwandte" with the English word "relative," and think of the "V" in "Verwandte" as representing "family" or "Verwandtschaft" in German.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Der Vater (the father)
  • Die Mutter (the mother)
  • Der Bruder (the brother)
  • Die Schwester (the sister)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Masculine: der Verwandte (singular), die Verwandten (plural)
  • Feminine: die Verwandte (singular), die Verwandten (plural)

Conjugation (for verbs)

Not applicable, as "Verwandte" is a noun and does not have a conjugated form.