
Meaning and Usage

The German word "arrangieren" means "to arrange" or "to organize." It is used to describe the action of putting things in a particular order or organizing an event or situation.

Linguistic Analysis

"Arrangieren" is a verb derived from the noun "Arrangement." It contains the root "arrange" with the addition of the German infinitive ending "-ieren," indicating an action or a process.

Comparisons between German and English

The word "arrangieren" in German is similar in meaning and usage to the English word "arrange." Both words are used to indicate the action of organizing or putting things in a particular order.

Cultural Context

In German culture, "arrangieren" is commonly used in various contexts, such as arranging flowers, organizing events, or setting up appointments. It reflects the German emphasis on order and structure in various aspects of life.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie arrangierte die Blumen für die Tischdekoration.
  2. Wir müssen das Treffen neu arrangieren.
  3. Er arrangierte ein Treffen mit seinem Geschäftspartner.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "arrangieren," think of the English word "arrange" and how it relates to organizing or putting things in order.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Organisation (organization)
  • Die Ordnung (order)
  • Die Planung (planning)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich arrangiere (I arrange)
  • Du arrangierst (You arrange)
  • Er/Sie/Es arrangiert (He/She/It arranges)
  • Wir arrangieren (We arrange)
  • Ihr arrangiert (You arrange - plural)
  • Sie arrangieren (They arrange)