
Meaning and Usage

"Ausmachen" is a German verb that can have several meanings, including "to turn off," "to make up," "to arrange," "to figure out," or "to constitute." It is used in various contexts, such as turning off a light, making an appointment, settling, or determining something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "ausmachen" is a separable verb, composed of the prefix "aus-" and the verb "machen" (to make/do). The separable prefix is often separated from the verb in different tenses, such as in the past tense (e.g., "hat ausgemacht").

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "ausmachen" corresponds to the English verbs "to turn off," "to make up," "to arrange," "to figure out," or "to constitute," depending on the context.

Cultural Context

In everyday situations, "ausmachen" is commonly used when turning off electronic devices, making appointments, or settling matters.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie kann das Licht ausmachen. (She can turn off the light.)

  2. Wir müssen noch den genauen Termin ausmachen. (We still need to set the exact date.)

  3. Es macht keinen großen Unterschied aus. (It doesn't make a big difference.)

    English Translation:

  4. She can turn off the light.

  5. We still need to set the exact date.

  6. It doesn't make a big difference.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning and usage of "ausmachen," associate it with various activities such as turning off a light, making up a date, or figuring out a solution.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: abschalten (to switch off), vereinbaren (to arrange), bestimmen (to determine)
  • Related words: die Ausmachen (settlement), das Ausmachen (turning off)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich mache aus (I turn off)
  • Du machst aus (You turn off)
  • Er/Sie/Es macht aus (He/She/It turns off)
  • Wir machen aus (We turn off)
  • Ihr macht aus (You turn off)
  • Sie machen aus (They turn off)