
Meaning and Usage

"Fiel" is the past tense form of the German verb "fallen," which means "to fall" in English. It is used to describe an action or event that happened in the past.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "fiel" is the past tense of the verb "fallen." It does not contain any prefixes or suffixes. The verb "fallen" comes from the Old High German "fallan" and is related to the English word "fall."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "fiel" in German corresponds to "fell" in English, both being the past tense forms of the respective verbs.

Cultural Context

The concept of falling is universal, and the word "fiel" is used in various contexts, from describing an actual physical fall to metaphorical falls such as in love or social standing.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie fiel die Treppe hinunter. (She fell down the stairs.)
  2. Das Laub fiel von den Bäumen. (The leaves fell from the trees.)

Memory Tips

Associate "fiel" with the English word "fell" to remember its meaning as the past tense form of "to fall."

Additional Vocabulary

Related words: fallen (infinitive), der Fall (the fall), stürzen (to tumble/fall), hinunterfallen (to fall down)

Gender and Plural

