
Meaning and Usage

"Vorstellen" in German means "to introduce" or "to imagine." It is used to express the action of presenting or introducing someone or something, as well as to imagine or picture something in one's mind.

Linguistic Analysis

"Vorstellen" is a compound verb, consisting of the prefix "vor-" (meaning "before" or "in front of") and the verb "stellen" (to place or to put). The combination of these two parts forms the meaning of introducing or presenting something.

Comparisons between German and English

The German verb "vorstellen" can be translated to English as "to introduce" when used in the context of presenting someone, and "to imagine" when used in the sense of picturing something in one's mind.

Cultural Context

In German-speaking cultures, it is important to know how to properly "vorstellen" (introduce) oneself and others, as social interactions often begin with formal introductions.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich möchte dir meinen Freund vorstellen. (I would like to introduce my friend to you.)
  2. Kannst du dir vorstellen, wie schön es dort sein wird? (Can you imagine how beautiful it will be there?)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "vorstellen," think of how you would "introduce" (vorstellen) someone by placing them in front of others, or how you "imagine" (vorstellen) something by picturing it in your mind.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Einführung (f) / Die Vorstellung (f) - introduction
  • Sich etwas ausmalen - to imagine something
  • Präsentieren - to present

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

The noun "die Vorstellung" (feminine) can refer to a presentation or a performance, and its plural form is "die Vorstellungen."

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich stelle vor (I introduce/imagine)
  • Du stellst vor (You introduce/imagine)
  • Er/Sie/Es stellt vor (He/She/It introduces/imagines)
  • Wir stellen vor (We introduce/imagine)
  • Ihr stellt vor (You all introduce/imagine)
  • Sie stellen vor (They introduce/imagine)