das Gleis, -e

Meaning and Usage

The German word "das Gleis" refers to the track or the railway line, typically where trains run. It is used to describe the metal tracks on which trains travel.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "Gleis" is a noun in singular form, with the plural "Gleise." It does not contain any prefix or suffix. The word is derived from the Middle High German "gleis" which means "smooth, even."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Gleis" in German translates to "track" or "railway line" in English. Both languages use this term to refer to the rail tracks on which trains run.

Cultural Context

Rail transportation plays a significant role in German culture and economy, so the word "Gleis" is essential for describing the infrastructure and operations of the railway system.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Zug fährt auf Gleis drei ab. (The train leaves from track three.)
  2. Die Arbeiter reparieren das Gleis nach dem Unwetter. (The workers are repairing the track after the storm.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Gleis" with the English word "gleaming" to remember that trains run on smooth, gleaming tracks.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Bahnstrecke (railway line)
  • der Schienenverkehr (rail traffic)
  • der Bahnhof (train station)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

  • Gender: neuter (das)
  • Plural: die Gleise

Conjugation (for verbs)