
Meaning and Usage

"Subtrahieren" is the German verb for "to subtract." It is used when performing mathematical operations involving the deduction of one quantity from another.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "subtrahieren" consists of the prefix "sub-" meaning "under" or "less" and the root "trahieren" which comes from the Latin word "trahere" meaning "to pull" or "to subtract." The "-ieren" suffix is commonly used in German to form verbs from nouns.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "subtrahieren" has a similar meaning to its English counterpart "subtract." Both words are used to indicate the action of removing one quantity from another in a mathematical context.

Cultural Context

There is no specific cultural context related to the word "subtrahieren," as it is a technical term used in mathematical contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Wir müssen die Zahlen subtrahieren, um das Ergebnis zu erhalten. (We need to subtract the numbers to get the result.)
  2. Kannst du 15 von 30 subtrahieren? (Can you subtract 15 from 30?)

Memory Tips

You can remember the meaning of "subtrahieren" by associating it with the English word "subtract," as they have a similar meaning and are used in the same context.

Additional Vocabulary

  • addieren (to add)
  • multiplizieren (to multiply)
  • dividieren (to divide)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich subtrahiere (I subtract)
  • du subtrahierst (you subtract)
  • er/sie/es subtrahiert (he/she/it subtracts)
  • wir subtrahieren (we subtract)
  • ihr subtrahiert (you all subtract)
  • sie subtrahieren (they subtract)