
Meaning and Usage

"Anklicken" is a German verb that means "to click" in English. It is commonly used in the context of interacting with digital devices, such as computers, smartphones, or tablets, to select or activate something by pressing a button on a mouse or touchscreen.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "anklicken" is a compound verb consisting of the prefix "an-" and the verb "klicken." The prefix "an-" indicates a direction towards or an attachment to something, and "klicken" is the base verb meaning "to click." Therefore, "anklicken" can be understood as "to click on" or "to click to."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "anklicken" is very similar in meaning and usage to its English counterpart "to click."

Cultural Context

In today's digital age, "anklicken" has become a common verb in German, reflecting the widespread use of digital devices and the internet.

Example Sentences

  • Bitte anklicken, um das Video zu starten. (Please click to start the video.)
  • Sie können auf den Link anklicken, um die Seite zu öffnen. (You can click on the link to open the page.)

Memory Tips

Associate "anklicken" with the action of "clicking on" something, such as a mouse or a touchscreen, while using a digital device.

Additional Vocabulary

  • klicken (to click)
  • der Mausklick (the mouse click)
  • die Auswahl anklicken (to click on/select)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

N/A (anklicken is a verb and has no gender or plural form)

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich klicke an (I click)
  • du klickst an (you click)
  • er/sie/es klickt an (he/she/it clicks)
  • wir klicken an (we click)
  • ihr klickt an (you [plural] click)
  • sie klicken an (they click)