der Bus

Meaning and Usage

"Der Bus" in German means "the bus." It refers to a public transportation vehicle used for carrying passengers on a fixed route, typically along designated stops.

Linguistic Analysis

"Der Bus" is a masculine noun. There are no prefixes or suffixes in this word. The origin of the word is from the Latin "omnibus" (dative singular of "omnibus" meaning "for all").

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Bus" in German and "bus" in English have the same meaning and usage. Both words are used to refer to the public transportation vehicle.

Cultural Context

In Germany, buses are a widely used mode of public transportation, especially in urban and rural areas. They form a crucial part of the public transport network across the country.

Example Sentences

  1. Der Bus kommt in fünf Minuten. (The bus will arrive in five minutes.)
  2. Ich nehme immer den Bus zur Arbeit. (I always take the bus to work.)

Memory Tips

Associate the word "Bus" with the image of a bus, and visualize yourself waiting for or riding the bus to strengthen the memory of the word.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Haltestelle (feminine, pl. die Haltestellen) - the bus stop
  • die Bushaltestelle (feminine, pl. die Bushaltestellen) - the bus stop
  • der Fahrplan (masculine, pl. die Fahrpläne) - the schedule/timetable

Gender and Plural

  • Gender: masculine
  • Plural: die Busse


Not applicable, as "Bus" is a noun and does not have a conjugated form.