
Meaning and Usage

"Lokalisieren" means to locate or to localize. It is used when referring to finding the position or whereabouts of something or someone.

Linguistic Analysis

"Lokalisieren" is a verb in German. It is derived from the noun "Lokalisation," which means localization. The word is composed of the prefix "lokal" (local) and the suffix "-isieren" (forming a verb from a noun).

Comparisons between German and English

The word "lokalisieren" has a direct counterpart in English, "to localize," which shares a similar meaning.

Cultural Context

The word is commonly used in various contexts, including technology, medicine, and geography, when referring to locating objects, medical conditions, or geographic positions.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Polizei konnte den gestohlenen Wagen lokalisieren.
  2. Es ist wichtig, den Schaden zu lokalisieren, um ihn reparieren zu können.
  3. Die App kann deinen Standort lokalisieren, um dir nähere Informationen zu geben.

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "lokalisieren," associate it with the idea of "localizing" something to find its exact position.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Lokalisation (f) - localization
  • Die Position (f) - position
  • Finden - to find
  • Entdecken - to discover

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich lokalisiere (I localize)
  • Du lokalisiert (You localize)
  • Er/Sie/Es lokalisiert (He/She/It localizes)
  • Wir lokalisieren (We localize)
  • Ihr lokalisiert (You plural localize)
  • Sie lokalisieren (They localize)