
Meaning and Usage

"erleichtern" means to lighten, to ease, or to make something easier. It is used to express the act of making a task, burden, or situation less difficult or stressful.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "erleichtern" is a verb. It is a combination of the prefix "er-" (indicating a change or completion of an action) and the root "leichtern" (derived from "leicht" which means light or easy). The word has a clear etymological link to the concept of making something "lighter" or "easier."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "erleichtern" has a similar meaning to the English verb "to lighten" or "to ease."

Cultural Context

In German culture, the concept of "erleichtern" can be applied to various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, and emotional burdens. It reflects a desire to alleviate difficulties and make things more manageable.

Example Sentences

  1. Die neue Software wird die Arbeit der Angestellten erleichtern.
  2. Erleichtere dir das Leben, indem du Prioritäten setzt und organisiert bleibst.

Memory Tips

Remember that "erleichtern" starts with "er-" which signifies a change or completion of an action, and it is related to "leicht" which means light or easy.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Erleichterung (noun) - relief
  • leichter machen - to make easier
  • erschweren - to make difficult
  • schwer - heavy, difficult

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Since "erleichtern" is a verb, it does not have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich erleichtere - I lighten/ease
  • du erleichterst - you lighten/ease
  • er/sie/es erleichtert - he/she/it lightens/eases
  • wir erleichtern - we lighten/ease
  • ihr erleichtert - you (plural) lighten/ease
  • sie erleichtern - they lighten/ease