
Meaning and Usage

The German adverb "inzwischen" is used to indicate a point in time, meaning "meanwhile" or "in the meantime." It refers to the time that has passed since a specific event or situation.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "inzwischen" consists of the prefix "in-" (in, within) and "zwischen" (between). Together, they form "inzwischen," which refers to the time between two points.

Comparisons between German and English

The English equivalent "meanwhile" or "in the meantime" captures the same idea as "inzwischen."

Cultural Context

The use of "inzwischen" is common in both written and spoken German. It's a practical adverb that helps to connect ideas in conversations and texts.

Example Sentences

  • Inzwischen sind wir am Bahnhof angekommen. (Meanwhile, we have arrived at the train station.)
  • Er hat inzwischen sein Studium abgeschlossen. (He has meanwhile finished his studies.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "inzwischen," think of how it refers to the time between two points, indicating what has happened in the meantime.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Meanwhile = währenddessen
  • In the meantime = in der Zwischenzeit

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)