
Meaning and Usage

"Anlage" means "system" or "investment" in German. It is used to refer to a technical system, equipment, or plant, as well as an investment or facility.

Linguistic Analysis

"Anlage" is a feminine noun in German and doesn't contain any prefixes or suffixes. Its origin is from Middle High German as "anlagen."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "Anlage" is similar to the English word "facility" in meaning, but it also encompasses the concept of system or investment.

Example Sentences

  • Die Anlage funktioniert einwandfrei. (The system works perfectly.)
  • Sie hat eine profitable Anlage getätigt. (She made a profitable investment.)

Memory Tips

Associate "Anlage" with the English word "facility" to remember its meaning.

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: feminine Plural: Anlagen