
Meaning and Usage

"Wieder" translates to "again" or "anew" in German, indicating the repetition or return of an action or state.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "wieder" is an adverb and does not change its form in different contexts.

Comparisons between German and English

"Wieder" corresponds to "again" or "anew" in English, highlighting the idea of repetition or return.

Example Sentences

  1. Kannst du das noch einmal wiederholen? (Can you repeat that again?)
  2. Sie hat ihn wieder getroffen. (She met him again.)

Memory Tips

Connect "wieder" with the English word "again" to remember its meaning and usage, emphasizing the idea of repetition.

Additional Vocabulary

Synonyms: erneut (once more), von Neuem (afresh) Antonyms: zum ersten Mal (for the first time), einmalig (unique)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

Gender: N/A Plural: N/A