
Meaning and Usage

"außer" is a preposition in German, which means "except" or "besides". It is used to indicate an exception, exclusion, or comparison.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "außer" does not have any prefixes or suffixes. It has its origin in Middle High German "ûzer" and Old High German "ûzaro", which are related to the Old English "út" and the Old Norse "út".

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "außer" is similar in meaning to the English word "except" or "besides".

Cultural Context

In German culture, "außer" is commonly used to indicate an exception or exclusion in various contexts, such as in rules, comparisons, or preferences.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich esse alles außer Fisch. (I eat everything except fish.)
  2. Er hat keinen Freund außer mir. (He has no friend besides me.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning and usage of "außer", think of it as "out of" or "outside of" something, indicating exclusion or exception.

Additional Vocabulary

  • synonyms: abgesehen von, bis auf
  • antonyms: inklusive, mit

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)