
Meaning and Usage

"Erhöhen" means "to increase" or "to raise" in English. It is often used when referring to raising a value, such as prices, levels, quantities, or standards.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "erhöhen" is a verb in German. It is derived from the prefix "er-" which indicates a movement upward, and the root "höhen" which means "to heighten." The suffix "-en" is common for infinitive verbs in German. The etymology of "höhen" can be traced back to the Old High German word "hōh" meaning "high."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "erhöhen" is similar to its English counterpart "increase" in both meaning and usage, making it relatively easy for English speakers to understand and use.

Cultural Context

In a business context, "erhöhen" is often used when discussing price increases, salary raises, or expanding production capacity. It can also be used in a broader societal and economic context to discuss raising standards or levels of performance.

Example Sentences

  1. Die Firma hat beschlossen, die Preise zu erhöhen. (The company has decided to increase the prices.)
  2. Der Lehrer möchte die Anforderungen erhöhen. (The teacher wants to raise the requirements.)
  3. Wir müssen unsere Bemühungen erhöhen, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. (We need to increase our efforts to achieve this goal.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning of "erhöhen," think of the "er-" prefix as indicating something going up, and "höhen" as related to "heighten," which both hint at the concept of raising or increasing something.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: steigern (to enhance, to boost), anheben (to raise), vergrößern (to enlarge, to expand)
  • Antonyms: senken (to lower, to decrease), reduzieren (to reduce)
  • Related Words: Erhöhung (increase), Erhöhungsfaktor (factor of increase)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich erhöhe (I increase)
  • du erhöhst (you increase)
  • er/sie/es