
Meaning and Usage

"Frühstücken" means "to have breakfast" in German. It refers to the act of eating a morning meal, usually consisting of bread, cereal, and beverages, such as coffee or tea.

Linguistic Analysis

"Frühstücken" is a verb formed from the noun "das Frühstück" (breakfast) and the suffix "-en," which is often used to create verbs in German. The word is a combination of "früh" (early) and "stücken" (to piece together), indicating the assembly of an early meal.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "frühstücken" is similar to the English word "breakfast," as they both refer to the morning meal.

Cultural Context

Having breakfast is an important meal in German culture. Traditional German breakfast items include bread, butter, jam, cold cuts, and cheese.

Example Sentences

  1. Ich frühstücke gerne mit frischem Brot und Kaffee. (I enjoy having breakfast with fresh bread and coffee.)
  2. Wir haben gestern zusammen gefrühstückt. (We had breakfast together yesterday.)

Memory Tips

Associate "frühstücken" with the English word "breakfast" to remember its meaning.

Additional Vocabulary

  • das Frühstück (breakfast)
  • das Brot (bread)
  • der Kaffee (coffee)
  • die Marmelade (jam)
  • der Aufschnitt (cold cuts)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich frühstücke (I have breakfast)
  • du frühstückst (you have breakfast)
  • er/sie/es frühstückt (he/she/it has breakfast)
  • wir frühstücken (we have breakfast)
  • ihr frühstückt (you have breakfast)
  • sie frühstücken (they have breakfast)