
Meaning and Usage

"Geöffnet" in German means "open" in English. It is the past participle form of the verb "öffnen," which means "to open." It is used to describe something that has been opened or is open.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "geöffnet" is a past participle in German, formed by adding the prefix "ge-" to the verb "öffnen." The root of the word is "öffn" and the suffix is "-et." The word has its origin in the Middle High German word "evoften."

Comparisons between German and English

The word "geöffnet" is directly related to the English word "open," and both share the same meaning and usage.

Cultural Context

In Germany, it is common to see signs with "Geöffnet" to indicate that a shop or business is open for business.

Example Sentences

  1. Das Fenster ist geöffnet. (The window is open.)
  2. Die Tür war die ganze Nacht geöffnet. (The door was open all night.)

Memory Tips

Associate "geöffnet" with the English word "open" and remember that the prefix "ge-" is commonly used in German to form past participles.

Additional Vocabulary

  • öffnen (verb) - to open
  • geschlossen (adjective) - closed
  • schließen (verb) - to close

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)