
Meaning and Usage

"Kümmern" in German means "to care" or "to take care of". It can also be used to express "to be concerned" or "to handle".

Linguistic Analysis

"Kümmern" is a verb derived from the noun "die Sorge" (worry, concern). It can be used with prepositions to convey different meanings, such as "sich um etwas kümmern" (to take care of something) or "sich um jemanden kümmern" (to take care of someone).

Comparisons between German and English

The German verb "kümmern" has a broader range of meanings than the English "to care". In German, it can also convey the idea of being concerned or dealing with a matter.

Cultural Context

In German culture, the concept of "sich um jemanden kümmern" (to take care of someone) is highly valued, reflecting the importance of caring for others.

Example Sentences

  1. Sie kümmert sich um ihre kranken Eltern. (She takes care of her sick parents.)
  2. Mach dir keine Sorgen, ich kümmere mich darum. (Don't worry, I'll take care of it.)

Memory Tips

To remember the meaning and usage of "kümmern", think of the phrase "caring is key" and associate it with the idea of taking care or being concerned in German.

Additional Vocabulary

  • die Sorge (f) - worry
  • sich kümmern um - to take care of

Gender and Plural (for nouns)

This word is a verb and doesn't have a gender or plural form.

Conjugation (for verbs)

  • ich kümmere (I care)
  • du kümmerst (you care)
  • er/sie/es kümmert (he/she/it cares)
  • wir kümmern (we care)
  • ihr kümmert (you care - plural)
  • sie kümmern (they care)