
Meaning and Usage

"Lösen" in German means "to solve" or "to release." It is used in various contexts, such as solving a problem, untangling a knot, releasing or untying something, or even canceling or disbanding something.

Linguistic Analysis

The word "lösen" is a verb. It doesn't have any prefix and the root is "lös-." It is derived from the Middle High German word "lösen" and the Old High German word "liosan."

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "lösen" has multiple meanings, including "to solve" and "to release," whereas the English word "solve" is more specific to finding a solution to a problem.

Cultural Context

The concept of "lösen" extends beyond problem-solving and can be used in a broader sense, such as releasing emotions or untying a knot, reflecting the practical and abstract dimensions of the word's usage.

Example Sentences

  1. Kannst du dieses Rätsel lösen? (Can you solve this puzzle?)
  2. Der Detektiv löste den Fall. (The detective solved the case.)
  3. Bitte löse den Knoten in meinem Schal. (Please untie the knot in my scarf.)

Memory Tips

Associate "lösen" with "solving" by connecting the "ö" to the "o" in "to solve."

Additional Vocabulary

  • Die Lösung (the solution)
  • Das Problem (the problem)
  • Freilassen (to release)
  • Aufheben (to cancel, to disband)

Gender and Plural (for nouns)


Conjugation (for verbs)

  • Ich löse (I solve)
  • Du löst (You solve)
  • Er/Sie/Es löst (He/She/It solves)
  • Wir lösen (We solve)
  • Ihr löst (You all solve)
  • Sie lösen (They solve)