
Meaning and Usage

"völlig" in German means "completely" or "totally". It is used to emphasize the completeness or entirety of something.

Linguistic Analysis

"völlig" is an adverb in German, derived from the adjective "voll" meaning "full" or "complete". The suffix "-ig" is used to form adverbs from adjectives in German.

Comparisons between German and English

The German word "völlig" translates to "completely" or "totally" in English. Both languages use this word to emphasize the full extent or completeness of something.

Cultural Context

The word "völlig" is commonly used in everyday speech to emphasize the extent or completeness of a certain action or state, such as "völlig falsch" (completely wrong) or "völlig anders" (completely different).

Example Sentences

  • Sie war völlig überrascht. (She was completely surprised.)
  • Das ist völlig unmöglich! (That is totally impossible!)

Memory Tips

Associate "völlig" with the English word "fully" to remember that it indicates completeness or totality.

Additional Vocabulary

  • Synonyms: komplett (complete), total (total)
  • Antonyms: teilweise (partially), unvollständig (incomplete)

Gender and Plural

